Competitive Environment

In recent times, Kymdan has to face relentless unfair competitive practices. Many rivals have exploited difference media channels to provide false gossips with the goal of tarnishing the Kymdan brand. Specific cases are as follow:

1. Claiming that their products have similar quality to Kymdan mattresses and the prices are lower. However, they are would not publish their technical parameters.There is an old Vietnamese saying, "Only the buyers make mistakes, not the sellers."

2. Making false assertions about the quality of Kymdan products and services with the goal of creating bad public opinion about Kymdan brand.

3. Making claim that Kymdan mattresses are too heavy, not suitable for hotels (see bed making instructions)

4. After signing to participate in the "Your partner to a great night's sleep" program with Kymdan, the new management refused to renew the contract and without telling Kymdan, quickly replacing all the Kymdan mattresses with other brands to service customers leading to customers thinking that Kymdan misled customers when publishing the list of hotels that carries Kymdan mattresses on our website.

5. Using outdated information, before the Competitive Law became effective, and apply them to the currently situation in order to lead public opinions against Kymdan brand.

6. Selling other brands of mattresses but on purposely displaying Kymdan brand (posting signs with the word "Kymdan") creating confusions and leading customers to think that they are purchasing Kymdan mattresses (see instruction on how to distinguish between fake and real mattresses)

7. Using unfair competitive practices of on purposely damaging a mattress then request warranty service, negatively affecting Kymdan integrity.

8. There are many e-commerce websites using "Kymdan" brand without approval of Kymdan Company. They post many outdated and inaccurate information, creating confusion among customers about Kymdan's distribution channels, pricing policies or misleading customers to think that other products have the same quality as Kymdan mattresses.